Usunięty - 04-12-2007 22:59:32

Próbowałem ostatnio trochę MM, ale to nie dla mnie, chociaż wiele z tego wyniosłem, zdecydowałem się jednak oprzeć swoją grę na materiałach RSD. Macie tutaj bardzo ciekawy artykuł. Nie che mi się go tłumaczyć :P


There's a myth in this underground world we inhabit that if you
sleep with a girl within minutes of meeting her, that's not solid

On the one hand, I agree.

If you fluke out once in a while and find some random chick who's
just looking to get laid, that's not you - that's just luck.

Some guys will harp on about how great they are at getting girls
because it happens to them once in a blue moon.

I speak from experience. I too was once a deluded chode.


What if it's not every once in a while?

What if you can pull chicks in minutes, consistently. And not
munters (US translation: warpigs) mind. What if you can
consistently pull stunning girls, rapidly?

Is that solid game?

In this article I will sketch out a detailed map of how to pull
off "Fool's Mate" pickups with consistency and panache.

Are you sitting comfortably?

Then I'll begin.

The Best Natural I Ever Met

When I decided that I was going to get good with women, I was
broke. I had no money, and I had no friends.

I'd gotten fired from my fancy job in the sandstone maze of
London's Square Mile, and I was in debt. I moved to Edinburgh
because I couldn't afford London rent, and I slept on my sister's
couch until I found a job.

The job I found was bartending. It was good, easy work. After the
nightmarish stress of the financial sector, it felt like heaven.

Besides, it also meant that I'd be talking to lots of girls.

That was good, but the real benefit I got from taking that job
was a guy called Andy.

I thank God every day that my path crossed with Andy's.

Andy was amazing.

He was just jaw-dropping. He wasn't ugly, but he wasn't
particularly good looking. He was an engineering student who
worked in a bar.

I have never seen a man pull that well.

We became friends, and as I worked at approaching and
approaching, I started to improve.

Ultimately though, it was Andy that made me great.

You see, I'd fucked around with 'indirect' game, but found it
weak, pointless, unnatural. Direct game was different. Powerful,
exciting, real. I found my results getting better and better.

But I was nothing compared to Andy.

You see, Andy didn't date. Ever. He didn't date, he didn't buy
girls drinks, he didn't call them, he NEVER took phone numbers.

At the age of 21, he'd already slept with over 150 women.

Engineering student.


Andy's Secret - Reverse Engineered

One day I asked him a question. I'd just gotten tested in a
massive way by this hot Swedish chick, and completely crashed

I ran the test by Andy. It was this:

"You just want to bang me, don't you?"

I offered several responses - Play it hard to get. Play it cocky.
Play it sweet.

Andy just laughed at me. Then he said this:

"You know what I'd have said? I'd have said - heck yeah. I'll
bang you in every hole you've got."

He said it with a beaming grin on his face, laughing as he said
it. Not joking as he said it, mind - that's important. Laughing,
but not joking.

I thought about this for a time, then I began to use it. Not his
line, but his attitude.

Amazingly, it worked. Even while I was testing this shit out, I'd
rarely get blown out. And my results skyrocketed.

Toward the end of my singledom, before I met my beautiful
girlfriend, I would walk out of the house alone, walk into the
first busy bar I saw, walk up to the hottest chick in the room,
pull her, take her home and fuck her.

I would do this consistently, without getting blown out. One
approach per night. 100% success.

Believe me or don't, I don't care. It is true. I used to do it to
show off to all my friends.

In the end, even Andy couldn't match me.

What I am about to tell you is real. For all intents and purposes
gentlemen, this is hot off the press.

Note: SHOCK and AWE is not high risk. It sounds like it is, but
it's really not - and I'll explain why in a moment.

It's not even advanced. I'd call it intermediate. If you can
open, and you can get attraction, and you can chill out and chat
with a chick and not get weird - you can do this.

It is not a quick fix solution for hopeless newbies.


If you're having problems stringing a sentence together, if your
body language sucks, if you have bad VOICE PROJECTION (this, as
Jeffy points out, is crucial to all game) - this will not work.

However, if you're plateauing somewhere in the intermediate
stages, (or if you just hate getting phone numbers like I do)
this might be EXACTLY what you need.

Shock and Awe is, very simply, something I developed out of
showing too much interest when I was closing a chick down so I
could kiss her/grab her and leave/whatever.

I developed a very specific kind of statement of intent that
covers your back socially while allowing you to come out with the
most outrageous stuff - stuff that gets her very horny, very

I'd use principles from this to sex up the vibe of a conversation
with a chick if it was getting dull. The point is though, you
don't need to do that.

I realised that you can open with it. You can open, and then drop
straight into a continual SOI loop and close a chick straight
down very fast. It's a kind of vibe, you can feel when you've hit
it because it's electric. You can just go ape from the outset and
drive her crazy, then take her home.

Basically, being open about your desire and BLAMING THE CHICK for
being hot is dynamite.

Toward the end of my pickup rampage I had developed a whole new
kind of game around doing just this one thing.

I called it Shock and Awe, because it is shocking, awesome, and
if you nail it you can pull a chick extremely quickly. It's
mental. I love it. I stopped doing it for a while because it got

No, really.

The final thing to understand before we get to the nitty gritty
of what to do is this:

You're stating your DESIRE.

This is a whole 'nuther level of important. There's not "I intend
to sleep with you" or "I am interested in you". This is you
talking about your DESIRE alone. That is all. How hot she is. How
sexy she is. How awesome her body is.

Just pure sex, right from the outset. To map the basic structure
of Shock and Awe it would be:

1) Approach with a statement of intent, then SOI stack, blaming
her hotness for your actions.

Make sure they are creative and funky statements. Think of it
like jazz. SOI jazz. Free form, just go for it. Say anything.
It's not important. What is important is that you blame her for
being hot. Say something like

"Excuse me, but what? What do you want? Do you want me to just
walk on by? I mean, you're absolutely stunning. Do you want me to
just pretend like that doesn't effect me? I mean, how? I'm just
some guy. I can't turn it off. What are you trying to do to me,
woman?" etc....

2) Always be escalating physically, always always always.

Blame her for the fact you can't keep your hands off her. Act
like you're trying to keep your hands of her and you just can't.
Blame her more. Ask her why she's doing this to you. Physically
fight your urge to touch her, and make this conflict OBVIOUS. You
are a wild animal STRAINING against a tight leash. You're in
control... but BARELY.

Don't fake this. Really get into this headspace. Ozzie's recent
post on the Wild Man is EXACTLY what you need to do here.

3) Express desire, do this relentlessly and blame her for it.

Tell her you deserve a gold star for effort for not jumping all
over her. Keep it funny, but make sure the vibe is highly erotic.
Remember - LAUGHING, NOT JOKING. Tell her that if she doesn't
stop being hot you're not going be held responsible. Tell her to
eat a load of pies, and gain 5 stone so you can connect with her
personality without wanting to tear all her clothes off.

4) If you push it too far, apologise for the disrespect and not
the action.

Genuinely apologise. Really. Actually do this and FUCKING MEAN
IT. But remember - ONLY apologise for the DISRESPECT. NEVER
apologise for the ACTION. Then tell her you did it because she's
really hot. Blame her for being hot. Tell her she should wear a
bag over her head so you can have a normal conversation with her.

5) Go to step 2.

You can basically do this until she breaks. It's great.

Just remember guys, use a condom.

Honest to God, have consistently pulled hot chicks with this.
It's not infallible, but it's hilarious and it blows through all
the crap.

This is also how you NEUTALIZE ALL RISK associated with being so

You just say something like "No - no, this is ridiculous. I'm
going to find out who you are. You can't do this to me. I have
depth. Tell me about yourself."

And then they do (either that or they demand to know who you are,
but it's all in good fun) and boom, you're chatting. It acts like
an explosive, funny, charming opener.

It's all about the vibe, about magnifying the vibe.

And the vibe is generated from the fact that she's so sexy she's
breaking you down, but you're resisting. That's where the tension
comes from.

How Important Is It To Blame HER For Your Extreme Actions?

This is the heart of it. You are talking direct, but you're
blaming her hotness for your directness.

As such, it's like two different levels of compliment, both of
which are highly unusual and extremely difficult to resist.

You're basically telling her it's totally out of character for
you to behave like this and you're fighting it, but you're
really, really struggling.

This isn't an academic issue. This frame is how you avoid
'antislut defense' when going for a Fool's Mate. The frame is,
she is breaking down your resolve with her hotness. This is
massive. Why?

Because it defuses so many negative things.

First off, her ASD can't really kick in. Why not? Because she's
not doing anything, and neither are you. You're just
complimenting her. No girl is going to walk away from someone
just because he says she's hot, not unless she's a nutter.

Secondly, it's a female fantasy. She's the femme fatale,
destroying your resistance. The more fight you put up, the more
resistance to her you express, and the more you lose this battle,
the more she feels sexy.

Don't You Need Zen-Master Levels Of Calibration?

No. You just have to be "not completely wack."

Look - fair enough, calibration is important, but calibration
does not mean hesitation. You should be leading the encounter.
Lead it. It goes where you go. You're the man.

Won't This Break Too Many Social Rules?

That's WHY it works.

Yes - seriously.

The fact that you blame her means that she has to justify it as
not being her fault.

But how can she do that? Is she going to say "I'm not that hot?"

No. She is a woman. She will, instead, love it.

It's a female fantasy, she's annihilating you with her looks
alone. You're resisting but she's breaking you down.

They love it. Seriously, it's great.

Do I Have To Go For Broke Every Time I Use This?

No. You can drop out of it any time with the line I gave you

Also, this doesn't have to be used as such a high-octane thing.

Try dropping a little of it in here and there. See what happens.
Learn to calibrate it. The vibe you want is half sexy mocking,
half pure sex.

It is all about that vibe.

It's amazing how well this attitude defuses all the negative
things about being really direct with girls.

And once you've defused them, boom - you can basically cut
through all the tactics and just blast her with desire until she

What If I Run Out Of Things To Say?

A big part of this is about getting creative with your
compliments. I don't want to give too many actual examples of
stuff, mainly because the stuff you say doesn't have to be da

This is NOT a routine-based method.

It is a direct method, a way of cultivating an attitude of
non-weird, engaging, sexual expression. You can do it high octane
and go for the Fool's Mate, or you can do it low-octane and just
drop Shock and Awe SOI's in as and when in the context of
chatting up a lovely young lady.

So If I Do This Will A Chick Just Jump Me?

If you do it right, very often she will, yes. HOWEVER - it's
impossible to predict who will and who won't.

Depends on a million things. It can be very rapid, or it can take
a while.

The beauty of this is that if it seems like she's not just in the
mood to leap all over you, you can drop the S+A and just have a
chat. Again, that line to segue into a more normal (though highly
charged conversation is...

"no, you're not going to break me. I have depth. I'm going to get
to know you properly, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Tell me about yourself."

WOW! This Sounds Amazing! Finally! The Magic Pill!

Nope. It's not a magic pill. As I said, this will only work for
guys who are already reasonably comfortable with approaching.

If you're looking at this thinking "Awesome - now I don't have to
do all those tricky approaches" then you're heading for a fall.

This takes balls.


You need to grow balls, and you can only do that by approaching
lots and lots of chicks and becoming cool with approaching.


It's not a technique as much as it is a mode of sexual
expression. I mapped out the stages just to give you a feel of
what to do, but I hope you guys can see that this isn't a
tactical thing. This is what happens when you say "bugger
tactics" and just go for it.

I originally came out with this on a chick who was just
ludicriously hot, amazing eyes, dress, legs, face, teeth, ears,
nasal hair - the works. I was in an absolutely chipper mood,
nimbus aglow, just on top form.

I opened by telling her that it was ridiculous to expect me to
just walk on by with her looking like that. She smiled, so I kept
on saying the same kind of thing. Next thing I know she's kissing

What I'm saying is that this has to be genuine. Direct game, if
not genuine, is seedy, manipulative weirdness.

S+A is a vibe. It is a route of expression.

The inner game stuff, the practise - all that jazz, is the
iceberg. This is the tip.

This is not a short cut.

It's just not a massive detour, which a lot of highly tactical
systems are. I'm certain that if you've never done anything like
this before it is scary, so just understand that there are
several elements to this that go on behind the scenes.

One is your general abilities of self-expression and creative
speech. This is something that Jeffy explains brilliantly, so
read his stuff, copy it, buy the Jeffy Show and watch it
constantly. The other big part of it is sexual expression, for
which I'd also recommend The Jeffy Show, Foundations or
Transformations (Ozzie is really bang on here, as is Tim).

Closing Statements

Shock and Awe is the pinnacle of direct game as I practice it.

No nonsense, no tactics, just straight in there, make a girl feel
really sexy, have great fun with her, be cool, go back to
your/her place and do the hunka-chunka. Problem solved.

This isn't about tricking girls into stuff, or playing them. If
you try that, you'll fail, and I will personally batter you
senseless with your own shoes.

This is about refusing to be a leaf in the hurricane.

This is about being the hurricane, gentlemen.

Be the hurricane.

